FAQ VFarm &NFT Aug. 9th

Vswap Official
3 min readAug 31, 2021

Question1: 1D APR 32%,but Arph -1%.How can I calculate the exact rate?

That is because Arph calculate the variation by usd, means pure $revenue in last 1 hour, BUSD & USDT equals to $ price may also affect the income result.

As you could see now Pancake just made some error setting will recover for 6 hour.

Meanwhile our linked pools will appear the same,APR rate drop down.That proved what I described, VFRAM propose the live APR and staking incomes from other Farms+ Vfarm Vault together.

Then you see such pools with addtional bonus still high,real Data Live DATA real defi & multi revenue.

Question2: Can I understand APR= Arph+the other revenue?

Average revenue last hour

It is real experience data,not prediction.

Its specially easy for our users to judge such fluctuation coin price.

In defi APR may not show up your real $ revenue precisely,APRH considered the dual coins price bumpy, provide the direct penetration view.Pros will be able to combine APR & APRH to shift LP tokens between Pools provided in such same LP pair in several DEXs Pools.

But in any other Dexs pool , Vfarm contract will link directly to contract meanwhile mark the bonus from Our own Vault bonus pool to give you extra bonus.

In any point of view, Vfarm lead the highest APY compete to the same pool on whole BSC.

Question 3: Relationship between NFTs & VFarm

System will update some recommendation rank list for data analysis.

Vfarm will not only provide VAL-ABC,but Your NFT planet will be able to generate NFT token.Vfarm also support your Planet NFT-VAL pool farming.

Your planet your NFT your token your pair.

V-wallet will also list your planet token price, remember to promote your own token, Vswap doesnt keep no coin.

When VAL-ABC on Farming, V-wallet voting rate will dropdown proportionally to meet the balance and mining plan total volumn.

Question 4: NFT Planet &V-Wallet

In V-wallet, we will start to build up one Universal concept NFT world.

We are Mandalorian & Earthling,we will explore each planet to mining the NFT tokens, 100%belongs to new planet pioneer.

The Badges could also be tokenlized, or trade as for occupation or Pairs coin.

Question5:Are you saying that there are other planets that explore to mining the NFT tokens other than Earth? What are the names of those other planets?

In V-wallet NFT universe, there are several planets need to explore, one by one, all pioneers explore this planet will mine NFT token belongs to this discovered Planet, and NFT belongs to who landed.

Planet will build up more consensus as mining NFT are the activity as residents also could trade on Universal market Vswap dex.



Vswap Official

VSwap is a DEFI economic system that integrates multi-chain wallets, multi-chain decentralized transactions, two layer DEX, and NFT auction market. vswap.cc